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Archive Sermons

Our third session, with local counselor and Project 1.27 representative, Megan Magel, focused on the traumatic effects of foster care on families and children. We discussed tools for supporting and…
Mark Gomez continues to lead us in our study of Philippians and shows how God uses adversity to advance the gospel.

Safe Bodies Training

August 18, 2019
Megan Magel, LPC, leads our adults through training on how to speak to children about safe bodies. Megan Magel is a Licensed Professional Counselor. She has been practicing since 2005,…
We jump into the letter to the Philippians, studying Philippians 1:1-11 and seeing that the church is meant to be a loving partnership in the gospel.

Intro to Philippians

August 11, 2019

Understanding common grace provides the basis for Christians to cooperate with and learn from non-Christians and seek common ground when we can.

Bible Text: Romans 1:18–23 | Preacher: Mark Gomez | Series: Summer Fun
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